One Skill Can Make a Dramatic Impact in Your Brand

soccer player with soccer ball

I just wrapped up coaching my 9 year old daughter's soccer team. Of all the seasons of coaching her team, this one was the most fun and rewarding. Not only because we only lost to one team the whole season but these girls were old enough to grasp some advanced basic skills and improve on those skills throughout the season. I love seeing the growth from the beginning to the end of the season and the confidence they built. While there are so many skills that are crucial to learn in soccer, I have seen one skill that makes an immediate big impact early on and can set young kids apart in the game. The Pull Back.

Change Direction of the Game

This seemingly basic move of pulling the ball back allows you to quickly change the direction of the ball, create space and throw the opponent off guard. While it’s a simple but effective move, it takes time to master. As with any move, you need to know when to use it and why. Using it incorrectly or too early will cause you to lose the ball or not give you the advantage of the move. When a player has taken the time to learn the foot control and can confidently execute it, they not only become a better player, but can control more of the outcomes of the game.

The big payoff is during an actual game. When it is used, it gives the player a huge advantage on getting the ball up the field to set up a pass, dribble an opponent off the ball or score a goal while the other team scrambles to catch up. 

The Skill You Need to Change the Direction in Your Business

Storytelling. Plain and simple, the skill of telling a great story is what separates great businesses and brands. Similar to the pull back, this basic but powerful skill can change your positioning in your industry or the growth of your business. However, “story” has become somewhat of a buzz word and like the pullback, if used incorrectly it can have little to no impact for your business. Not only that, it can leave you feeling doubtful about your marketing and a lack of confidence in what you offer. Most businesses get caught up in talking about facts and features that feel transactional.

Storytelling allows for human emotion and empathy for your audience. When they are facing a problem you solve, story becomes a crucial element to change the direction of your conversation from price or why you’re the best, to making them the focus and how you can help them grow. Just like in coaching soccer, we help businesses know when and why to use stories to help them stand out and gain advantage in their own story. If you don’t like the direction your marketing is going, try telling a better story.


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