Project: Content Has Lost All Meaning

Content is pointless… Well, if your company is creating “content” just for the sake of putting content on your website, YouTube channel, social media, or anywhere else for that matter– YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!

Our objective with this 4-part series of spelling bee ads was not only to create awareness for our video ad agency, Stories With Purpose, but to let potential clients know that, yes–there is a better way.

Why did we decide to use videos to share our message?

Video ads are what we do. We believe in the medium. Not just for our clients, but for us, too. So… We wanted to put our money where our mouth is and kick off the new year with our own set of commercials that tell people who we are and what we are about.

Directors - Dan Kettle & Kasey LaRose

Producer - Stories With Purpose

DP - Carter Fawcett

1st AC - Landon Hill

2nd AC - Ethan Wilson

Gaffer - Erik Hansen

Grip - Garrett Poll

Editors - Dan Kettle & Kasey LaRose

Sound Recordist - Sean Weitzeil

Sound Design - Dynamic Sound Studios

Want to create video ads for your business?


Behind the Scenes